Ian Abercrombie

Ian Abercrombie

Ian Abercrombie began his theatrical career as a lad during the Blitz in World War II. After his footwork years during which he earned Bronze, Silver and Gold medals in dance for the stage, he performed in London, Holland, Ireland, and Scotland. He made his American stage debut in 1955 in a production of "Stalag 17" with Jason Robards and Jules Munshin. Many plays in summer stock, regional and off-Broadway followed in a variety of theatrical offerings, from revues to Shakespeare. During a particularly low period, he worked as a magician's assistant for $10 per performance. In 1957, he was drafted into the Army and stationed in Germany. He was in Special Services, where he directed the Continental premiere of "Separate Tables" and toured with Olivia de Havilland in her show. Back in the USA, Ian went to California for a backers' audition. That fizzled but he began his long and successful film and television career. For four decades, his theatrical work highlights have included; "As You Like It", "Hamlet", "Misalliance", "The Good Doctor", "The Way Of The World", "Mary Stuart", "Crucifer Of Blood", "Journey's End", "The Wrong Box", "The Cocktail Party", "Bert & Maisy", "Other Places", "Bent", "Natural Causes", "The Vortex", "Rough Crossing", and "Lettice and Lovage". He received acclaim for the one-man show "Jean Cocteau - A Mirror Image". Another highlight was playing Alfie Doolittle in "My Fair Lady". He received awards for his work in "Sweet Prince" with Keir Dullea, "Teeth N'smiles", "A Doll's House" (with Linda Purl), and "The Arcata Promise" (opposite Anthony Hopkins).
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