Michael Coombes
Michael "Mikey" Coombes is a British Filmmaker, Actor and Creative from a small town in Worcestershire called Malvern. Passionate about storytelling and visuals from a young age, Michael knew he wanted to be in the creative industry but it would not be until his teenage years where he would focus more on a Filmmaker's path.
During his time at university Michael met up with other Creatives (Jonathan Zaurin, Joe Nurse) and became one of the founding members of rural Film making group known as LBS Films. After graduating the group go on to make several more short films and be awarded with an array of nominations and awards at international festivals.
In recent projects Michael has experimented with Acting opposed to his usual role from behind the camera. He will again be dabbling with performance in LBS Films first feature film. In collaboration with Solo Productions and written by TV Writer Keith Temple (Dr Who) the production titled Wyvern Hill, a super low budget indie horror set to start filming in fall of 2020.