Kenneth Spiteri

Kenneth Spiteri

Born in Melbourne to Maltese parents, Kenneth has worked in film, theatre and sound internationally. Trained at L'Ecole Internationale Jacques Lecoq and with Pantheatre in Paris, he has completed dramaturgical studies with the WIW Akademie, Berlin. In Australia he has worked as an actor with state funded theatre companies in Canberra as well as the Melbourne Theatre Company and most recently with the Sydney Theatre Company on Garcia Lorca's, "Blood Wedding". Further credits include "A Streetcar named Datsun 120Y" by Mary Rachel Brown for Downstairs Belvoir and "Pan" for the Capitol Theatre. As part of the international season of Downstage Theatre in Wellington he performed in "The Exchange" by Paul Claudel for Under Lili's Balcony. In Germany stage credits include Purcell's opera "King Arthur" for Lautten Compagney as well as working with legendary theatre director Peter Zadek in the productions "Nackt" by Pirandello at the St Pauli Theater in Hamburg and "Major Barbara" by Shaw at the Schauspielhaus Zurich. Between 2011 and 2015 he was a company member of the internationally acclaimed mask company Familie Floz on their production "Garage d'Or". In film he has acted in the features "Beneath Hill 60", "Abschuss Fahrt" (Rat Pack Productions Germany) and most recently "Paul Apostle of Christ" (Sony Affrm Productions). He has collaborated extensively on new dramatic works and in Canberra was a co-founder of Elbow Theatre with Iain Sinclair as well as being the recipient of two residencies at the Australian Choreographic Centre where he developed new works with Ross McGregor and with France Herve with whom he created performance-art works in Paris. Over the last years Kenneth has worked as a dramaturge with choreographers such as Australian contemporary dance pioneer Elizabeth Dalman, "Sapling to Silver" as well as Hyoung-Min Kim and Thomas Zeuggin in Berlin, "Everything Else", and "The Story of Those Who Left", in Seoul, Korea. In 2015 he was awarded funding from the Arts Council of Malta to create a new work entitled "The Hate Politik", a physical theatre piece he co-created and performed in. Then in 2016 the Arts Council of Malta supported his residency at the welove gallery in Taiwan to create a sound-art work, "A Sound Map of Tainan". Simultaneously, he released an album of singer/songwriter music called, "Sleepfalling" available on the online platform bandcamp. The following year he was awarded a residency in Italy where in association with the gallery Kunst Boden Nah he created and exhibited the sound installation 'soundscape:chiusa'. He has given workshops and lectures to actors and dancers for Canberra Youth Theatre, Accademia dell'Arte Italy/Berlin, as well as international arts universities Taipei National University of the Arts and the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. In 2018 he has been working as a movement director with the Maltese national theatre company as well as playing the lead role in the Teatru Manoel production of "The Crucible" then proceed to New Zealand to collaborate on a new work with fhkproductions entitled, "Like an Octopus by its Own Ink Erased".
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