Mark Marcarian

Mark Marcarian

Born in 1963 and raised in Philadelphia until the age of five, Mark came from a creative family. He has keen insight on the lighter side of humanity. His father Jéan Marcarian was born in Marseilles, France and came over with his sister Louise. Marks Uncle was also a great artist as well. "My Uncle Mike truly influenced me a great deal as an artistic person." In the 1980's Mark had a desire to get into television broadcasting. He attended the infamous American School of Broadcasting which was owned by Long John Wade the disc jockey from Philadelphia. While attending American Academy of Broadcasting (AAB), Mark migrated back to his "home base" in Warminster, PA to live with his best friend Peter Betts for some time. Mark worked odd jobs, mostly in retail as he made his way through Bucks County Community College as a communications major. Eventually, Mark became a retail manager and moved onto companies such as Pep Boys, Giant and Amerada Hess Corporation; (HESS gas stations) Mark was married in April of 1986 but divorced in 1998. He has two children, Brandyn and Ryan. "Mark was always trying to make people laugh. He had to because his home life growing up was terrible." "His outlet was his innate ability make others laugh. To this day, I still think back and chuckle." states childhood friend Scott Schubert. In the meantime, Mark has enjoyed acting in many films and has stepped up his goals and drive to become a truly awesome actor. His natural talent is in playing all types of roles from a lawyer, doctor, serial killer, father almost any character. Mark has great range be it a comedy, horror, action or drama. Says Mark, "I love acting because it provides me the ability to transcend and actually step into someone's life and become that person." "I'm Always seeing life's lighter side, trying to make people laugh and truly love to perform, especially in front of a camera."
Episode 1

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